News Bulletins
Listen to the episode -- BBC Princess Elizabeth Aged 14
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Volume Number:
Episode Count:241
Catalog #: D-NBUL-1
41-12-07 BBC Alvar Liddell Japanese Attacks In The Pacific
41-12-07 BBC Washington Reaction To Pearl Harbor Attack
41-12-07 CBS John Charles Daly Reports Pearl Harbor Attack
41-12-07 MBS Bulletin Interrupts Football Game 64kb
41-12-07 NHK Gen Hideki Tojo Declares War On The Allies
41-12-08 NBCB Bert Silan Reports Manila Bombing 64kb
41-12-08 BBC Wilfred Pickles On Far East Attacks
41-12-08 CBS Albert Warner Comments On Declaration Of War 64kb
41-12-10 CBS John Daly Bulletin On Japanese Attacks In Phi 64kb
41-12-11 EIAR Dichiarazione di Guerra agli USA 64kb
42-02-15 NHK Japanese Victory Over Singapore
42-04-29 NHK Station DEBUNK - Sign-On
37-05-06 Hindenberg Disaster Herb Morrison
38-03-04 Russia And Germany R. Graham
38-03-13 CBS WorldNewsRoundup
38-08-28 Berlin before Invasion Shirer
39-03-08 BBC Gas Mask Drill
39-08-27 Hitlers Demands
39-08-28 CBS EuropeanWarCrisis
39-08-28 LondonbeforeWarMurrow
39-09-01 BBC Evacuation of London
39-09-02 ChamberlainDeclaresWar
39-09-03 BBC PM Chamberlain Declaration of War
39-09-07 fromBerlinWm.Shirer
39-09-10 BBC Evacuee Message to Parents
39-09-22 HVKaltenbornCommentary
39-10-13 BBC Princess Elizabeth aged 14
39-10-15 BBC Richard Dimbleby By A French Road
39-11-11 BBC Queen Elizabeth Fortitude Of Women
39-12-01 ElmerDavis RussiaInvadesFinland
39-12-18 BBC Churchill sinking of Graff Spee
40-01-18 CBS TodayinEurope
40-02-27 LordHawHawWmJoyce
40-04-09 InvasionDenmarkNorwa
40-05-08 BBC Ed Murrow No confidence debate in Comm1
40-05-10 ChamberlainResigns
40-05-11 withElmerDavis
40-05-13 BBC Bernard Stubbs Advance into Belgium
40-05-14 BBC Anthony Eden Sec Of State For War LDV 1
40-05-14 BBC CharlesGardner AttemptStopGermanAdv
40-05-14 EdenAnnSecState4Wa
40-05-19 BBC Churchills 1st Speech as PM
40-05-30 FultonLewisCommentary
40-05-31 BBC Bernard Stubbs Trains Full of Evacuate1
40-05-31 BBC Bernard Stubbs TroopsFromDunkirk
40-06-05 PriestlyonDunkirk
40-06-18 BBC Churchill Finest Hour Speech
40-06-21 CBS-NBC CoverageofFrenchSurrender
40-06-21 FrenchSurrenderWmShirer
40-07-08 BBC Bill Herbert Bombing of Caen
40-07-14 CharlesGardner DogfightOverEnglishChannel1
40-07-23 World Today
40-07-27 World Today
40-08 xx CBS European War
40-08-16 news-battle of britain
40-08-19 CBS WAR NEWS
40-08-24 Murrow On Blackout
40-08-29 CBS European War Crisis
40-09-02 Roundup
40-09-15 BBC Alvar Liddell 175 Aircraft Destroyed
40-09-20 Roundup
40-09-20 During Blitz Edw. Murrow
40-10-05 BBC Robin Duff in air raid shelter
40-10-27 Worlds Fair Closing
40-10-xx Emerg Serv During Blitz
40-11-15 BBC Coventry Loudspeaker Announcement
40-11-15 Reverend Howard Attmp 2save Coventry Cath
40-11-15 Coventry Loudspeaker
40-12-20 BBC Robin Duff Sees London Burning
40-12-23 Churchills Addresses Italians
40-12-31 Herbert Morrison Message to Firemen
41-01-05 BBC Bruce Belfrage
41-01-10 BBC Alan Howland
41-05-24 BBC German announcment sinking HMS Hood
41-05-31 BBC 1st Sea Lord AV Alexander Sinking Of Bismark
41-06-01 Elmer Davis
41-06-22 Churchill On Hitler Guttersnipe inv Russia
41-09-05 BBC Frank Phillips
41-09-08 BBC Alvar Liddell Air Raid on Berlin
41-11-11 BBC Robert Dougall With Convoy In Atlantic
41-12-07 BBC Alvar Liddell Attack On Pearl Harbor
41-12-07 CBS Analysis of Pearl Harbor And Manilla Attacks
41-12-07 CBS Attempts To Call Honolulu
41-12-07 CBSNews
41-12-07 CBS NY Philharmonic War Bulletins
41-12-07 CBS Pearl Harbor John Charles Daly
41-12-07 NBC Honolulu KGU Radio Pearl Harbor
41-12-07 NBC News Bulletins 41-12-08 War Declaration
41-12-07 S Marlowe And RD Bennett Pearl Harbor
41-12-07 Univ Of Chicago Round table Canada At War
41-12-08 BBC Roosevelt
41-12-08 BBC Wilfred Pickles News on the Far East
41-12-11 March of Time Pearl Harbor
41-12-26-Churchhill 2 Congress
42-06-04 BBC Capt William Graves Batle of Midway
42-06-15 BBC Giles Playfair last days of Singapore
42-08-17 BBC Freddy Grisewood Saving Fuel
42-10-01 BBC Montgomery to troops El Alemein
42-11-01 BBC Godfrey Talbot watches tanks at El Ale1
42-11-04 BBC Bruce Belfrage excellent news
42-11-11 Armistice Day Ceremony
42-12-07 One Year after Pearl Harbor
42-12-19 BBC Godfrey Talbot christmas with 8th Army
42-12-26 Radio Dr Advice 4 Xmas
43-01-09 World News Today
43-02-09 BBC Paul Winterton on Stalingrad
43-02-09 BBC Robert Robinson victory Stalingrad
43-04-18 GabrielHeatter
43-05-13 BBC Frank Gillard German surrender N Africa
43-06-22 BBC Cdr Kimmins on invasion of Sicily
43-07-25 BBC Maurice Shillington Mussolini Resigns
43-07-25 World News Today
43-08-08 World News Today
43-08-17 BBC Garry Marsh Patton enters Messines
43-08-22 BBC Frank Gillard town band in Lentini
43-08-28 John w vandercook
43-08-28 World News Today
43-08-29 World News Today
43-09-03 BBC In a Lancaster over Berlin
43-09-03 BBC Mongomery announces landings in Italy
43-09-19 World News Today
43-09-26 World News Today
43-10-13 BBC Freddy Grisewood Italy At War With Germany
43-11-03 Daytime Radio Newspaper
43-12-03 Bombing Run Edw Murrow
43-12-06 BBC Freddy Grisewood TehranGreat Powers meeting
44-01-26 BBC Wynford Vaughn-Thomas Anzio
44-02-20 World News Today
44-02-27 World News Today
44-02-29 Crisco Radio News
44-03-05 World News Today
44-03-12 World News Today
44-03-19 World News Today
44-03-26 BBC Churchill on Allied Victories
44-03-26 World News Today
44-03-31 BBC Wynford Vaughn-Thomas
44-04-02 World News Today
44-04-20 BBC Wynford Vaughn Thomas Spring time Anzio
44-05-05 BBC Richard Dimbleby watches airborne troops
44-05-13 Skelly News of the World
44-05-17 BBC Godfrey Talbot in Monte Cassino
44-06-03 BBC Robin Duff on sealed ship
44-06-04 BBC Frank Gillard on build up to D-Day
44-06-05 BBC Rome Welcomes the Allies
44-06-06 430pm
44-06-06 BBC Alan Melville Sees Paratroops
44-06-06 BBC Chester Willmot in glider
44-06-06 BBC Chester Willmot sees gliders
44-06-06 BBC Colin Wills Lands with Infantry
44-06-06 BBC Eisenhower to Western Europe
44-06-06 BBC John Snagge D-Day has come
44-06-06 BBC Robin Duff mid-channel to Normandy
44-06-06 CBS D-DAY NEWS
44-06-06 CRISCO NEWS D-Day
44-06-06 Cross Country Reaction To D-Day
44-06-06 D-Day Ship Attack
44-06-07 D-Day Kalmer Quincy Howe
44-06-07 Kate Smith Prayer for Our Troops
44-06-08 BBC Guy Byam parachutes into France
44-06-08 BBC MichaelStanding On French Civilians
44-06-14 BBC Alan Melville Hermanville Church Bells
44-06-17 BBC Frank Gillard takes cover
44-07-08 Bombing Of Caen
44-07-18 Mutual War News
44-08-06 BBC Frank Phillips Hiroshima
44-08-06 World News Today
44-08-13 World News Today
44-08-17 BBC Ed Murrow counts Parachutes in Holland
44-08-20 World News Today
44-08-25 BBC Richard Wessell Paris Liberated
44-08-26 BBC Robert Reid snipers fire at DeGaulle
44-08-27 World News Today
44-09-03 World News Today
44-09-10 World News Today
44-09-17 BBC John Snagge Invasion of Holland
44-09-20 BBC Stanley Maxted cut off with airborn
44-09-24 World News Today
44-09-44 BBC Montgomery
44-11-01 BBC Audrey Russell interviews Bomb Victim
44-12-18 BBC Robert Barr Ardennes withdrawal
44-12-24 BBC Mountbatten not forgotten front
45-04-08 BBC Richard Dimbleby
45-02-19 BBC Sgt Richard Mawson on Iwa Jima
45-03-08 BBC Churchill Crosses Rhine est date
45-03-08 BBC Freddy Grisewood Remagen Bridge Crossed
45-03-08 BBC Ian Wilson Americans over the Rhine
45-03-21 BBC Richard Sharp with Gen Slim Mandalay
45-03-24 BBC Richard Dimbleby
45-03-24 BBC Richard Dimbleby in Halifax tow plane
45-03-24 BBC Wynford Vaughn-Thomas crossing the Rhine
45-03-25 BBC Robert Barr
45-03-25 Stanley Maxted Wounded On Glider
45-03-28 BBC Stuart Mcpherson
45-03-31 BBC Edward Ward
45-03-31 BBC Edward Ward on release from Oflag XXIIb
45-03-31 Wynford Vaughan Thomas
45-04-19 BBC Richard Dimbleby in Belsen
45-04-19 In Belsen
45-04-23 Edward Ward Celebrating
45-04-24 BBC Wynford Vaughn-Thomas
45-04-25 BBC Freddy Grisewood Frank Gillard at Torgau
45-04-30 PROP Lord Haw-Haws last broadcast
45-04-31 BBC Robert Reid
45-05-01 BBC Stuart Hibberd Hitler is dead
45-05-01 Hamburg Take over of Lord Haw-HawsStation
45-05-02 BBC Berlin Has Fallen
45-05-03 BBC Wynford Vaughn-Thomas troops surrender1
45-05-03 Truman Wish FDR Lived
45-05-04 Chester Wilmot Monty HQ Await Surrender
45-05-04 Monty Reads Surrender Terms
45-05-07 BBC John Snagge
45-05-07 BBC John Snagge announces VE Day
45-05-07 BBC Thomas Cadett sees Jodl surrender
45-05-08 BBC Churchill Announces Surrender
45-05-08 BBC Howard Marshall Shares Day with Crowds
45-05-08 BBC Truman wish Roosevelt had lived
45-05-08-King George VI
45-05-08 VE Day Gabriel Heater
45-05-09 BBC Thomas Cadett
45-05-09 BBC Thomas Cadett in Berlin
45-05-19 BBC Matthew Halton in Holland
45-08-06 Hiroshima
45-08-06 VJ Day Reports
45-08-08 Capt Cheshire Witnesses Nagasaki Bombing
45-08-13 VJ Day Gabriel Heater
45-08-14 V-J Day
45-08-14 Commentary On End of the War
45-08-15 BBC Atlee Surrender of Japan
45-08-15 BBC Crowds Celebrate VJ day
45-08-15 BBC King George VI to the Empire
45-08-15 Wynford Vaughn Thomas in Piccadilly Circus
45-08-15 Crossing The Rhine
45-09-01 BBC MacArthur Holy Mission
45-11-04 Building Burma Railway
45-xx-xx Churchill Speaks At Victory Party
51-06-17 NEWS 51-06-17
xx-xx-xx News Commentary on McCarthy Murrow
xx-xx-xx News Edw.R.Murrow Sen. McCarthy
xx-xx-xx Wilmott On Road To Brussels