Hop Harrigan
Listen to the episode -- Tank Seriously Wound
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Volume Number:
Episode Count: 109
Catalog #: D-HHAR-1
42-02-08 Trapped In Mine By J
42-02-19 Unknown Title
43-02-18 Hop Harrigan Hop and Tank Trapped in Mine Shaft
43-06-07 Hop Harrigan Hospital Attack
44-01-24 Hop Harrigan Stolen Patrol Car
44-02-02 Hop Harrigan In Berlin
44-10-04 Hop Harrigan Mission over Germany
44-11-07 Hop Harrigan Shot Down by the Raf
44-11-09 Hop Harrigan Zaltsmare
44-01-17 Escape Nazis In Secr
44-01-27 Nazi Threat
47-07-07 Mystery of the Vanishing Men
47-07-08 Bill King Arrives
47-07-09 Follows Stranger to Nolan House
47-07-10 Tank Missing
47-07-11 Tank Found
47-07-14 Hop Harrigan Asked to Return the Following Night
47-07-15 Tank in Disappearing Act
47-07-16 Tank Heard but Not Found
47-07-17 Strange Note
47-07-18 Ransom Note
47-07-21 Tank Disappears
47-07-22 Balloon in Flight
47-07-23 Balloon Falls to Earth
47-07-24 Tank Disappears from Hospital
47-07-25 Third Strange Message
47-07-28 Whistling Heard in Fun House
47-07-29 Whistling Man in Room
47-07-30 Bill King Responsible
47-07-31 The Riddle of the Ghostly Avengers
47-08-01 Paul Conroy Arrives
47-08-04 Hop and Tank Take Flight
47-08-05 Cargo Breaks Loose
47-08-06 Hop Told of Accident
47-08-07 Safe Landing
47-08-08 Mechanic Dead
47-08-11 Hop and Tank Arrested
47-08-12 Hop and Tank Released (Rehearsal)
47-08-13 Plane Crash Likely
47-08-14 Cargo Strap Found
47-08-18 Unable to Locate Wreckage
47-08-19 Ambushed
47-08-21 Paul Answers Phone
47-08-22 Inspector's Request
47-08-25 Flying Toward Ghost Plane
47-08-26 Craig Guilty
47-11-10 Hop Harrigan Tank Rescues Hop and Dixie from Burning
47-11-11 Aerial Battle
47-11-12 Tex Regan at the Bank
47-11-13 Showdown with Tex and Joe
47-11-14 The Wailing Witches Mysterious Plane
47-11-17 Pilot Murdered by Witch
47-11-18 Wailing Witch Heard
47-11-20 Tank Suspects Mr Gore
47-11-21 Hop in the Test Module
47-11-24 Tank Turns off the Engines
47-11-25 Gore's Mechanic Warns Plane Too Adva
47-11-26 Second Warning of Death
47-11-27 Shot Misses Hop
47-11-28 Plane Mounts Sabotaged with Acid
47-12-01 Following Carla Davis
47-12-03 Escape Oily Death
47-12-04 Flying Wing Plans Found
47-12-05 Plane Crashes
47-12-08 Hop Injured
47-12-09 Carla Davis Questioned
47-12-10 Passes Physical Examination
47-12-11 Test Flight
47-12-12 Plane Explodes in Mid-Air
47-12-15 Saunders Dead
47-12-16 Everyone Questioned
47-12-17 Tank Smells Smoke
47-12-18 The Secret of Lakeville Bell Saboteu
47-12-19 Chris Disappears - Snow Storm
47-12-22 Chris Found
47-12-23 FBI Interested in Bell
47-12-24 Another Bell Malfunction
47-12-25 Flying to Flemington, Ohio - Christm
47-12-26 Plug Found in Bell
47-12-29 Mendez Is Suspect
47-12-30 Bell Missing
47-12-31 Truck and Crane Missing
48-01-02 Unidentified Plane Spotted
48-01-05 Note from Chris Found
48-01-06 Gail Appears to Cooperate
48-01-07 Bell to Be Unloaded from Plane
48-01-08 Hop Delayed
48-01-09 Gail Seen Trying to Cut Through Bell
48-01-12 Mendez Learns of Chris' Hiding Place
48-01-13 Lakeville Bell Made of Gold
48-01-14 Rescue Attempt
48-01-15 Mendez and Voegel Captured
48-01-16 Mendez Killed
48-01-19 Gunfight with Voegel's Men
48-01-20 Escape by Air
48-01-21 Airline Protection Racket
48-01-22 Refused Gas and Oil
48-01-23 Refuses to Join Organization
48-01-26 Tank Suspicious of New Student
48-01-27 Student Sabotages Plane
48-01-28 Mr Charles Killed
48-01-29 Questioned by Police
48-01-30 Demands to See the Head of the Organ
48-02-02 Ally Found
48-02-03 Meets Head of Organization
48-02-04 Refuses to Sign Agreement
48-02-05 Dudley Captured
xx-xx-xx In Hospital In Alaska
xx-xx-xx Temple Of Kumakhan