The Ford Theater
Listen to the episode -- Guest Garry Moore
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Volume Number:
Episode Count: 25
Catalog #: D-FDTR-1
46-11-27 Guest Dennis Day
46-12-04 Guest Gene Kelly
47-02-12 Guest Johnny Mercer
47-03-19 Guest Ralph Edwards
47-04-02 Guest Carmen Miranda
47-11-16 Carmen Jones
48-01-11 Storm in a Teacup
48-01-13 Girl Crazy
48-03-21 It's a Gift
48-05-09 The Front Page
48-05-23 A Star is Born
48-05-30 Laura
48-06-20 The Late Christopher
48-06-27 Arrowsmith
49-03-04 The Horn Blows at Mi
49-04-01 Wuthering Heights
46-10-16 Guest Lilly Ponds
46-11-06 Guest William Bendix
47-01-01 Guest Garry Moore
47-03-26 Guests Norris Goff
48-01-04 The Adventures of a
48-02-01 The Green Pastures
48-05-16 Counselor-at-Law
48-06-13 My Sister Eileen
48-10-15 Double Indemnity