FDR Fireside Chats
Listen to the episode -- 33-05-07

Volume Number: 1 Episode Count: 53 Catalog #: D-FDRF-1

Franklin D. Roosevelt (Jan. 30, 1882 - Apr. 12, 1945) was the thirty second President of the United States and the only man to serve four terms in that office. He served as President from Mar. 4, 1933 to Apr. 12, 1945. He, more than any public figure before him, knew the value and impact of media on the American public and how to use it. As President, he used the most prominent media of the day, radio, to inform the people of various crisis and issues of the day in his Fireside Chats. The term "Fireside Chat" came from Harry Butcher of CBS after his using the title on the air.