Destination Freedom
Listen to the episode -- The Key to Freedom
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Volume Number:
Episode Count: 33
Catalog #: D-DFRE-1
48-06-27 Knock-Kneed Man, The (Crispus Attuckus)
48-07-04 Railway to Freedom (Harriet Tubmab)
48-07-18 The Denmark Vesey Story
48-07-25 The Making of a Man
48-08-01 The Key to Freedom
48-08-08 The Heart of Georga Cotton
48-08-22 Arctic Biography
48-08-29 The Story of 1875
48-09-05 Poet of Pine Hill (James Weldon Johnson)
48-09-26 Shakespeare of Harlem (Langston Hughes)
48-10-10 Little David (Joe Louis)
48-10-17 Boy Who Was Traded for a Horse, The (George Carver)
48-11-07 Echoes of Harlem (Duke Ellington)
48-11-21 The Rhyme of the Ancient Dodger
49-02-20 Peace Mediator (Dr Ralph Bunche)
49-03-20 Black Boy
49-05-15 Ballad of Satchell Paige, The
49-06-05 Anatomy of an Ordinance
49-07-17 The Legend of Stackalee
49-07-31 Trumpet Talks, The
49-08-07 Long Road, The
49-08-28 Segregation Incorporated
49-09-04 The Saga of Senator Blanche K Bruce
49-10-09 Father to Son
49-10-16 Of Blood and Boggie
49-11-16 Man Who Owned Chicago
50-01-15 The Birth of a League, The
50-03-12 Premonition of the Panther
50-03-26 Liberator (Part 1)
50-06-11 Shy Boy, The (Thomas 'Fats' Waller)
50-07-02 Kansas City Phone Call (Nat 'King' Cole)
50-08-13 Last Letter Home
50-10-15 First Paul Revere Epilog