A Matter of Luck
Volume Number:
Episode Count: 8
Catalog #: D-AMOL-1
xx-xx-xx Episode 07 Francis Pettit Smith and Charles Martin Hall
xx-xx-xx Episode 08 Thomas Alva Edison and Alesandro Volta
xx-xx-xx Episode 09 Rudolf Diesel and Joseph May
xx-xx-xx Episode 10 James Watt and Samuel Morse
xx-xx-xx Episode 11 Louis-Jaques-Mande Daguerre and John and Gerhard Albers
xx-xx-xx Episode 12 Cuneaus and Elias Howe
xx-xx-xx Episode 13 Otto Lilienthal and Rene Lemarck
xx-xx-xx Episode 14 Henri Bequerel and Edward Goodrich Atcheson