Private Files of Rex Saunders
Listen to the episode -- Lady With Hate in Her Heart
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Volume Number:
Episode Count: 15
Catalog #: DT-PFRS-1
Rex Saunders
attempted to cash in on the long-running popularity of
Bulldog Drummond
, employing identical theme music and resurrecting at least one script from the
series, which had departed the air in 1949.
John Dunning
51-05-02 Shocking Still Life
51-05-16 Done to Death
51-05-30 Shallow Graves
51-06-06 Plan in the Killer's Mind
51-06-27 Namely Murder
51-07-04 Feminine Mind
51-07-11 Murder as a Silent Companion
51-07-18 Till Death Do Us Part
51-07-25 Concerning Antiques
51-08-01 Human Game
51-xx-xx Game With Death
51-xx-xx Lady With Hate in Her Heart
51-xx-xx Murder Deep in a Killer's Mind
51-xx-xx Trip to the Death House
51-xx-xx Worth More Than its Weight in Murder