Let George Do It
Listen to the episode -- A Crime Too Simple

Volume Number: 1 Episode Count: 87 Catalog #: DT-LGDI-1

Volume Number: 2 Episode Count: 92 Catalog #: DT-LGDI-2

Volume Number: 3 Episode Count: 87 Catalog #: DT-LGDI-3

Volume Number: 4 Episode Count: 86 Catalog #: DT-LGDI-4

Volume Number: 5 Episode Count: 86 Catalog #: DT-LGDI-5

Volume Number: All Episode Count: 433 Catalog #: DT-LGDI-6 Save 25%

George Valentine obtained his cases with a newspaper ad, which usually got pretitle emphases: Personal Notice--Danger's my stock-in-trade. If the job's too tough for you to handle, you've got a job for me, George Valentine. Despite this, the early George was cerebral in nature, downplaying brawn and playing up his knowledge of science to catch wrongdoers. The show was heard briefly in New York, January 20th, 1954--January 12, 1955.John Dunning