Maxwell House Coffee Time
Listen to the episode -- Father to Give Away the Bride
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Volume Number:
Episode Count: 14
Catalog #: C-MHCT-1
47-08-07 Surprise Party for Frances
47-08-14 Church Social
47-08-21 Cleaning the House
47-08-28 College Days
40-11-21 Unknown Title
47-06-05 Going to a Baseball Game
47-06-12 Holly's Graduation
47-06-19 Family Picnic
47-06-26 Father to Give Away the Bride
47-07-03 Holly's First Country Club Dance
47-07-10 Summer Barbeque
47-07-17 Concert in the Park
47-07-24 Performing MacBeth
47-07-31 Founder's Day Parade