Magnificent Montague
Volume Number:
Episode Count: 21
Catalog # C-MMON-1
50-11-10 Quit Radio
50-12-08 Agnes Quits
50-12-15 One Thousand Dollar Prize
50-12-22 A Child Visits
51-01-05 Montague's Father
51-01-12 Movie Offer
51-02-23 Measles
51-03-16 Diet
51-04-06 Gambling
51-04-13 Road Show
51-04-20 Shakespear on the Radio
51-04-27 Bridge Game, Summer Cottage
51-05-04 South Pacific Audition
51-05-12 Baby in the House
51-06-16 Father of the Year
51-06-30 July Fourth
51-08-04 500 Dollar Prize
51-08-11 Agnes Joins a Cult
51-08-25 Lily Gets a Puppy
51-09-03 Gossip Column
51-09-08 Boo Boo Foo Foo