Grand Marquee
Listen to the episode -- Sweet Voyager
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Volume Number:
Episode Count: 13
Catalog #: C-GMRQ-1
At the opening of each episode, the annoucner, as if reading from a theater billboard, promised "another exciting evening in the world of make believe".
John Dunning
46-07-09 Half a Dog is Better than None
46-07-23 Hold It, Please
46-09-24 Mexican Interlude
47-01-02 Sweet Voyager
47-01-16 If the Shoe Fits
47-01-23 Love is a Better Word
47-02-13 Deep Freeze
47-02-20 A Man's Home is Her Castle
47-05-29 How Now Brown Cow
47-06-05 Hex Marks the Spot
47-06-19 Betty, and Al's Wife Horice
47-08-21 Haunt Me a House
47-09-11 The Remarkable Talent of Egbert Haugh