Comedy Series Added

  • Pabst Blue Ribbon Show
  • It's Time to Smile
  • Texaco Town
  • New Updates

    The following series have been updated with additional episodes:

  • Inner Sanctum Mysteries
  • Take a look at what's new at Scoots Brew!!

    Inner Sanctum Mysteries

    Inner Sanctum Mysteries was a popular old-time radio program that ran from January 7, 1941 to October 5, 1952. Its creator was Himan Brown, who later created the long-running CBS Radio Mystery Theater. It featured stories of mystery, terror and suspense told, in sharp contrast to shows like Suspense and The Whistler, with a broad tongue-in-cheek approach. A total of 526 episodes are known to have been produced, a great many of which are lost today.

    Mystery Genre

    1,102 Series
    Totaling 54,516 Episodes

    Scoots Brew's Old-Time Radio Showcase has been around since 1997. For nearly three decades we've been providing incredible programming from radio's golden age. We currently have more than 850 different radio series and nearing 60,000 radio programs.

    We hope you enjoy your visit and please feel free to ask any questions, anytime.

    We are pleased to annouce that we now offer digital downloads at Scoots Brews Old-Time Radio Showcase. This saves you shipping costs and each series is just a click away.

    Each series is compressed into a simple .zip file that once expanded will contain all of the episodes in a given series. Just download them to your computer and double click the .zip file to listen to the files.

    After making your purchase we will send you an email that contains the link(s) for you to use to download your purchase(s).

    ** 33 New Radio Series Uncovered and Added to the Library! **

    We are so pleased to announce the addition of 33 new series to our library. It's been a while since we've been able to add new series to our ever expanding collection but we are truly excited about this announcement.